Worship Cancelled

Worship Cancelled

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, After much prayer and emotional wrestling, and out of an abundance of caution in this time of the Covid-19 outbreak, as all schools in Pennsylvania are closed to limit the spread of this virus, we are: CANCELLING WORSHIP for tomorrow, March 15th,CANCELLING the Wednesday MIDWEEK SERVICES AN SOUP,CANCELLING the…

Eagle Scout Project

Eagle Scout Project

For his Eagle Scout Project, Ethan Kraft is collecting toiletries, bedding, cleaning products, stationery supplies, etc. for the Gloria Cesarez Residence in Philadelphia, which provides LGBTQ-friendly housing for homeless young adults age 18-23, including those aging out of foster care.  The list of items needed is on the hallway table next to the collection box.



HANGING OF THE GREENS is a wonderful family time to help decorate our church for Christmas and enjoy Christian fellowship. Please consider joining us on Saturday, December 21, for the decorating and pageant practice followed by dinner and caroling.  Cookies and beverages will be served after the Carol Sing. Many volunteers are needed to help…

WELCA Breakfast

WELCA Breakfast

December 7, 2019, 8:30 AM, Elbert Hall. Enjoy a tasty breakfast, good fellowship, and prayer. We will assemble snowman favors for Silver Springs and play a game. A free-will offering will be collected. Ladies will also be able to create a simple craft if they so desire. We are asking for a $4 donation to…


Most member communications are via email.  Please contact the church office if you have questions or would like to be added to the email distribution list. THE PRAYER CHAIN may be activated by calling the church office at 610-543-8700. ST. MATTHEW is on Facebook!   Public events will be posted there! http://facebook.com/stmattspringfield.