August 25th Worship

August 25th Worship

Good evening, Church, Last Sunday, we again welcomed Pr Dave Oppold to lead us in worship.  If you were unable to join us, the video can be accessed via the link below. See you in Church! Dave Russell for Pr Karl

August 18th Worship

August 18th Worship

Good morning, Church, Yesterday we welcomed Pr Dave Oppold to lead us in worship.  If you were unable to join us, the video can be accessed via the link below. Enjoy this beautiful morning! Dave Russell for Pr Karl

August 11th Worship

August 11th Worship

Good morning, Church, Yesterday was quite a day.  In the morning we worshipped, and heard how God was moving among the youth and adult leaders who attended the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans this past July.  Kristen Plachuta, Luke Plachuta, Anastacia Milana and I had attended this impactful event, and they were able to…

July 21st Worship

July 21st Worship

Good afternoon, Church, 16.000 + Lutheran Youth and Adult Leaders met, learned, prayed, served, and worshiped in New Orleans this past week.  The energy in the space, and throughout the city, was palpable.  The four of us who attended look forward to sharing with you in the near future what we learned, and what this…

July 14th Worship

July 14th Worship

Dear Church, Worship Video:For those who did not make it to worship this morning, here is a link to the recording of the 10:15 service (there were certainly fewer of us present today than yesterday!): Memorial Gifts:As you all know, Dave Krauter was a huge supporter of St. Matthew, both in spirit and in practice. …

July 7th Worship

July 7th Worship

Good morning, Church! Thank you for all the birthday wishes yesterday.  It was great to be remembered!Since I was out celebrating my birthday, I did not post the worship video until now.  For those who missed yesterday, here is a link to the recording of the 10:15 service: Today is the first day of SCUBA,…