Ash Wednesday Services
There will be two services on Ash Wednesday, March 6th, at 12:00 PM and 7 PM. The format will be the same at both services with imposition of ashes.
Dear Family of God, We welcome our newest brother in Christ, John Joseph Stiglich, IV! For those who were not able t be present this morning here is a link to the video of the worship service with his baptism: May God continue to expand our vision and understanding to more closely match God’s vision!Pastor…
Good afternoon, Church, I will praise the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God all my life long. – Ps. 146:2 I hope you have all been enjoying the weekend! For those unable to join in corporate praise, here is a link to the video of the 10:15 service for…
Good evening, Church, I trust you moms have had a wonderful day. May god continue to bless you as you teach us the ways of love and grace! For those unable to join this morning, here is a link to the 10:15 worship service: As we conclude the Easter Season, Let us say again,Alleluia! Christ…
Dear sisters and brothers, Happy St. Patrick’s Day. This year all is a bit different, as parades and celebrations have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak. This virus and the attempts to slow its progression have altered life more than anything I can recall living through. Even with the events of 9/11 there was…
“God of light, if I am walking, I want to walk toward the dawn. I want to walk into the sun. I want to walk closer to you. There are many long shadows that can distract and deter. Help guide my feet. Be my light. Gratefully I pray. Amen.”—Prayer by Rev. Sarah Are | @sanctifiedart
Good afternoon, Church, For those unable to gather this morning, here is a link to the recording of today’s 10:15 service: Please note that the annual congregational meeting will be Sunday, January 29th. Following the second service we will enjoy the Women of the ELCA’s “church sandwiches,” and then begin the meeting at approximately noon. …