Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

For personal devotion, we have the Stations of the Cross set up in the courtyard, and we have a set in the sanctuary if you would like to follow the journey of Jesus to the Cross inside after worship. The Stations of the Cross will remain up through Holy Week for you to follow as…

Day 46 – Holy Saturday

Day 46 – Holy Saturday

“Consider those first few days after you’ve lost someone and the liminality between their death and funeral. There’s no closure yet, and mornings are reminders that the nightmare is real. It’s hard to imagine how you’ll face the day. … Again and again, the sun rises on a new day, often without embrace or acknowledgment….

Day 45 – Good Friday

Day 45 – Good Friday

“’A MAN WAS LYNCHED YESTERDAY’ These words were stitched onto a flag that flew outside the Manhattan headquarters of the NAACP between 1920 and 1938. When a Black person was lynched, the flag was raised the following day… You should understand that what happened to Jesus was a lynching. …Do not look away and do…

Day 44 – Maundy Thursday

Day 44 – Maundy Thursday

“As crucifixion nears, Jesus gives his remaining disciples a commandment related to the time they’ve spent together. They’re to love one another as Jesus has loved them… How did Jesus love them? They’ll have to draw from their encounters. The acts of love and healing, the teaching, the signs and wonders—all of it needs to…

Day 42 – 3/31

Day 42 – 3/31

“Maybe by the time you’re reading this,The day will have comeFor all God’s people to be gathered at Table.Maybe by the time you’re reading this,We will be eating together.Maybe we’ll be hugging.Hopefully there will be dancingAnd laughing and kissingAnd leaning in to tell stories,And throwing our heads back to laugh.But until that day,I will wiggle…

Day 42 – 3/30

Day 42 – 3/30

“I wonder if Jesus could feel his heartbeatIn his throat, the way I do when I’m afraid.I wonder if he had to take deep breaths,In through his nose, out through his mouth,Tricking his body into a state of calm.I wonder if he was nauseous, like I amWhen I’m headed into a hard conversation.I wonder if…

Day 41 – 3/29

Day 41 – 3/29

“‘Courage’ derives from Latin word ‘cor,’ which means ‘heart.’ When we consider the full Palm Sunday picture, these are frightful times. So much is happening that is both hopeful and terrifying. Tensions and tears are plentiful. But the Word will remind us to ‘take heart.’ Again and again, we take heart amid the drama. The…

Day 39 – 3/27

Day 39 – 3/27

“Creator God, you invited the Israelites to build houses, to build gardens, to build relationships; so there is something holy about building. Help me survey my life to imagine what you might be calling me to build today. Is it community? Is it a home? Is it new relationships? Is it deeper relationships among the…