
August 23rd Worship

Good afternoon, Church,

We did manage to get Outdoor Worship in before the rain!  Not many of us made it, as things did not look good, but I am glad we could worship together.  Many others chose the online option today.  For those who were unable to join in either corporate worship experience, here is a link to the video of today’s Zoom service:

Here is a PDF of the service to download or print:

“The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.” Psalm 19:1
Following the encouragement in Pastor Leslie’s sermon today, how are you telling the story of who Jesus is for you?

A couple of reminders:
Virtual Vacation Bible School is posted on our website for any who want a fun way to connect with their kids this month, while also sharing the stories of faith with them.  Visit www.stmattspringfield.org and you will find the information posted there.  As you participate, we would love to see what you are experiencing.  Please share pictures of your VBS activities with Julie Cirillo and she will add them to a collage of our VBS program!

Midweek Communion will be held on Wednesday evening at 7:00 and Thursday afternoon at 1:30.  Please let me know if you want to come so I can set enough spaces.  We can have up to 25 at each service.  Email me at prkarl@stmattspringfield.org or call the office number (610) 543-8700.

Continue to practice love for your neighbors by following the 3 Ws: Wash your hands, Wear a mask around others, and Watch your distance.

May you feel the blessing of Jesus today,
Pastor Karl Richard

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