May 12th Worship

May 12th Worship

Good evening, Church, I trust you moms have had a wonderful day.  May god continue to bless you as you teach us the ways of love and grace! For those unable to join this morning, here is a link to the 10:15 worship service: As we conclude the Easter Season, Let us say again,Alleluia!  Christ…

May 5th Worship

May 5th Worship

Good afternoon, Friends, Here is a link for the recording of yesterday’s 10:15 service: Following worship I attended the installation of Pastor Karen Nelson at Trinity Lutheran in Fairview Village, which delayed this posting until today. By the way, Pastor Jenn Phelps preached the sermon, STANDING during the Gospel and preaching of the Word!!  Miracles…

April 28th Worship

April 28th Worship

Good evening, Church, I trust you are enjoying this absolutely beautiful day the Lord has given us!For those unable to attend worship this morning, here is a link to the video of the 10:15 service. For Wednesday’s bible study, we will be considering the helpful (?) words of Job’s third friend, Zophar the Na’amathite in…

April 14th Worship

April 14th Worship

Good afternoon, Family of Faith, For those unable to join live, here is a link to the recording of today’s 10:15 service: Bible Study meets on Wednesday in the parlor and by Zoom at noon and 8:00.  We are looking at the story of Job. Enjoy this beautiful day!Pastor Karl Richard

April 7th Worship

April 7th Worship

Good afternoon, Family of Faith, Today we were pleased to welcome Ms. Lorraine Martinez from Chester County Migrant Ministry, who shared some information about this important ministry, which we support throughout the year.  A link to the video of the 10:15 service is available here so you can hear what she had to say: In this…

Easter Worship

Easter Worship

Alleluia!  Christ IS Risen!Christ is Risen Indeed!  Alleluia! Happy Easter Monday, Family of Faith, For those who missed it, or who would like to hear our Student Musicians again, here is a link to yesterday’s 10:30 celebration of the Resurrection. Thank you to all who have made this Holy Week special. There are too many…

Good Friday Worship

Good Friday Worship

For those who could not attend, or who wish to see the “other” service we had yesterday, the video links for the community and the evening services are available here. The community service had a joint choir, and a sermon by Father Barrett Tracey of Church of the Redeemer. The evening service had a dramatic reading of the Passion of…

Palm Sunday Worship

Palm Sunday Worship

Good afternoon, Family of Faith, Holy week has begun.  Today we celebrate Palm Sunday, with the blessing and procession of the Palms.For those unable to join in worship this morning, here is a link to the video of the 10:15 service: Our journey through Holy Week continues on Thursday with worship at noon and 7:30 p.m.,…