Scout Sunday Worship

Scout Sunday Worship

Good afternoon, Family of Faith, What a full day we have had today!  Worship, Sunday School, Scout Sunday, a fellowship hour sponsored by the Scouts, a Super Bowl Pre-party sponsored by the Fellowship Team, and First Sunday Food Collection!   For those unable to participate in worship, here is a link to the 10:15 a.m. service: Thank…

January 28th Worship

January 28th Worship

Good afternoon, Church, Today we welcomed Faye Evangeline Hewitt into the family of faith through the Sacrament of Baptism.  For those unable to participate in the service, here is a link to the recording: Following worship we were blessed by the Women of the ELCA’s “church sandwiches” before our Annual meeting.  Thank you, ladies, for…

January 21st Worship

January 21st Worship

Good afternoon, Church, For those unable to join live or in person, here is a link to the recording of today’s 10:15 service: For those interested in walking a route for Souper Bowl of Caring, distributing flyers on February 3, and collecting the food on February 10, sign up is via a Google Doc.  A reminder…

January 14th Worship

January 14th Worship

Good afternoon, Church, For those who were not able to join, either in person or on Zoom, here is a link to the recording of today’s 10:15 service. May God empower you to live out the calling given to you to proclaim the Love of God in Jesus Christ!Pastor Karl Richard

January 7th Worship

January 7th Worship

Good afternoon, siblings in Christ! For those unable to join in worship this morning, here is a link to the recording of the 10:15 service: As we enter this season of Epiphany may the Lord Jesus be revealed to you anew, drawing you ever closer in your relationship to our gracious God.Pastor Karl Richard

Lessons and Carols

Lessons and Carols

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! For those who may have been out wrangling their Seven Swans a Swimming on this 7th Day of Christmas, here is a link to the recording of today’s worship: May the peace of the Christ child be with you!Pastor Karl Richard