
How to Tithe.ly

First, you maybe asking yourself, self, what is tithe.ly?  It’s the big green “GIVE” button on this website. Seriously though, tithe.ly is a secure online GIVING platform.  You can do one time payments or recurring giving. Wait…. watch the video instead of reading my how to. BUT first, here is my why. In 2017, for various reasons: forgetting a check, kids were sick or we slept in for once (just once), we fell short of our pledge by roughly 600 dollars.  This year we are only about 150 dollars behind and that is because tithe.ly wasn’t an option until around May.  The benefit for us, we don’t have to worry about forgetting.  Saint Matthew gets more reliable support to continue its ministries.  God’s work, our hands and treasure. Here is the congregation’s WHY. Saint Matthew has 7+ different fellowship opportunities, 12+ service/outreach opportunities, 6+ youth activities, 9+ family ministry events, and that doesn’t include choir, ushers, service related functions, and YOU.  So take a few minutes to WATCH the video and consider using tithe.ly.

God Bless!

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