
September 1st Worship

Dear Church,

I trust you are enjoying this Labor Day weekend!  It is always bitter-sweet to reach this “last official weekend” of summer, and I hope you are able to get every last moment of refreshment from this time.

For those unable to join worship live today, in person or on Zoom, here is the recording of the 10:15 service:

A reminder that next Sunday is “God’s Work. Our Hands” day, and is also the day we alter our worship schedule.  We will continue with the 8:00 service, but the second service will move to 9:30, and include Sunday School within the time of worship.  See the September newsletter for more details.

As in years past, we will be doing a service project to kick off the Sunday School Year.  We will be assembling Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief.  This is the same project we did last year but this year we are going to try to do 36 kits!  We are looking for supplies for the kits.  Here is the sign up genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080B4DADAD22A13-50386547-personal#/  Or you can also reach out to Julie Cirillo at manoa1stgrade@hotmail.com.  Thank you for your support with this project!

May you have a wonderful Labor Day!
Pastor Karl Richard

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