
God’s Work Our Hands Worship

Good afternoon, Church!

What a wonderful start to our new Sunday school year, as we celebrated a day of service which the Church has dubbed “God’s Work, Our Hands” Day.  Thirty-six personal care kits were made for Lutheran World Relief, thanks to the generosity of so many of you donating the items for the students to assemble.

We also had a great turnout for the inauguration of our new venture, “Worship With Sunday School.”  We continue to be hopeful that this will be a help to our families as they strive to incorporate both worship and learning about Jesus into their family life.

And we had a beautiful, if slightly cool, morning of worship in the Tent at 8:00.  All in all, a very wonderful and blessed day with Jesus!

For those unable to attend, here is a link to the recording of the 9:30 service:

May you be blessed in your service for the Lord, doing God’s Work with Your Hands!
Pastor Karl Richard

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