March 6th (1 Lent) Worship

March 6th (1 Lent) Worship

Good afternoon, Church, All along my pilgrim journey,Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me. For those unable to attend worship this morning, here is a link to the video of the 10:15 service. May Jesus walk this Lenten journey with you, reminding you always of who you are, and who you are called to…

February 27th Worship

February 27th Worship

Good afternoon, Friends, Today we celebrated the baptism of Owen Thomas Hewitt at the 10:15 service.  Welcome to the family, Owen!If you were not able to join us, here is a link to the recording of the service: As we conclude the Epiphany Season and turn toward Lent, we will worship this Ash Wednesday at…

February 20th Worship

February 20th Worship

Good afternoon, Church, Here is the latest in the Souper Bowl of Caring tally:We received more gifts on Saturday, amounting to an extra $200.Our total through St. Matthew is 11,845!  The over-all total so far, not finalized, is over 51,000 units, a new record for our community effort.Thanks be to God! I am likely to miss…

February 13th Worship

February 13th Worship

Good afternoon, Church, The weather was a little iffy today, but still we gathered to worship Jesus.  For those unable to make it into the building, or unable to join via Zoom, here is a link to the video of the 10:15 service. The counting of the Souper Bowl donations has begun.  After 2 hours…

4th Epiphany Worship

4th Epiphany Worship

Thank you, Church! For those not able to attend worship, here is a link to the recording of the 10:15 service. May you use the gifts God has given you to build up the Kingdom of God!Pastor Karl Richard