
July 26th Worship

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

This past week we began offering in-person worship opportunities in addition to our on-line worship via Zoom.  On Sunday morning at 8:30, weather permitting, we are holding worship outdoors at the church, using the same service as is also offered on Zoom at 10:00.  A revised set of details for how we are approaching outdoor worship is included here for your information:

If you were unable to attend today, here’s a link to the video.

A copy of the service for is available here:  

We have also added opportunities for Communion at three different times during the week.  Those times are Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m., Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. and Thursday afternoon at 1:30 p.m.  This past week we had no one choosing Tuesday morning, 8 of us Wednesday evening, and 12 of us Thursday afternoon.  We will revise these times if it seems other options are better.  A reminder that, in this current time, we are limited to 25 people per gathering, and so if you are interested in receiving, I ask you to sign up in advance.  You may do so by emailing me at prkarl@stmattspringfield.org, or by calling the office number (610) 543-8700.  To ensure all who wish have the opportunity to receive, we are requesting you to only come to one communion service each week.

Please continue to care for one another in this ongoing time of corona-virus.  It is so hard to remain vigilant, but it is so critical to the health of our community and our congregation that we remember this is a serious infectious disease.  Remain strong in your faithfulness, taking the steps we can to mitigate the spread of Covid-19, and working for the well-being of all.  Wash your hands; Wear a mask when around others, and Watch your distances.

The Lord thanks you, and I thank you, for these simple acts of love toward our neighbor!
Pastor Karl Richard

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