
July 14th Worship

Dear Church,

Worship Video:
For those who did not make it to worship this morning, here is a link to the recording of the 10:15 service (there were certainly fewer of us present today than yesterday!):

Memorial Gifts:
As you all know, Dave Krauter was a huge supporter of St. Matthew, both in spirit and in practice.  He also, as chair of the Finance Committee almost since the time of Jesus, was very aware and supportive of the financial needs and projects of our church.  Most recently, he was strongly in favor of our current roof project, and wanted to be sure we can make the needed repairs before we have issues with the plaster ceiling in the sanctuary.  

At the request of Dave, and with the concurrence of his family, any gifts that come to St. Mathew in his memory are to be applied to the roof fund.  This is just another example of how Dave was concerned with the community, and not worried about himself.  

If you are making a gift, please make it to St. Matthew and mark it in memory of Dave Krauter. This way we can be sure to record these gifts in his memory, and we will ensure these moneys go to the roof fund.

Thank you, Dave, for your concern and your witness, and thank you all for whatever gifts you may make in his honor.  May his life of financial generosity be an example for us as we practice stewardship of all the Lord has provided to us.

The peace of Christ be with you always,
Pastor Karl Richard

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