
September 15th Worship

Good afternoon, Church,

Thank you to our Quilters who constructed 43 quilts to be distributed through Lutheran World Relief!  The sanctuary was adorned in the splendor of these creations as we worshipped, and blessed them on their way.

Thank you to our Sunday School, and to those who donated the materials to make 36 Personal Care Kits, which were also blessed today, and will also be distributed through Lutheran World Relief.

Thank you to Rebecca and Chris DeSantis, chairs of our Look Up! Trust God! capital campaign for our roof project.  They presented a wonderful introduction to the campaign, sharing good food for thought and prayer as we prepare to undertake this project.


Two dates to keep in mind:
1. October 6th we will have a congregational gathering to more fully answer your questions about this effort, and to allow you the chance to write what you are able to give to the campaign, and 
2. September 23, which is the anticipated start date of the work on the roof.

May you continue to be a blessing to the world, as in word and deed you bear witness to who Jesus is!
Pastor Karl Richard

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