February 13th Worship

Good afternoon, Church,

The weather was a little iffy today, but still we gathered to worship Jesus.  For those unable to make it into the building, or unable to join via Zoom, here is a link to the video of the 10:15 service.

The counting of the Souper Bowl donations has begun.  After 2 hours of packing following worship today, we are already over 3,000 items!  If we continue at this rate we may well exceed last year’s total received through St. Matthew.

Thank you all for your generosity, as you have shared your time, your treasure, and your food with those in need of help at this time.  We will finish counting Wednesday evening, so if you wanted to give food but were not able to do so, please drop it off at the church before Wednesday evening.  Financial gifts are also welcome, as they allow the food pantries to purchase meat and other perishable goods which we cannot deliver.  If giving by check, please make it out to St. Matthew, and note SBOC in the memo.

In Christ,
Pastor Karl Richard

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